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Loss of bone, whether due to trauma or tooth extraction, can compromise the integrity of the jaw and facial structure. Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that replaces missing bone in order to repair fractures that are extremely complex, pose a significant health risk to the patient, or fail to heal properly. This procedure allows for the restoration of bone volume, supporting various dental restorations and promoting natural regeneration.

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What are Bone Grafts?

Bone grafts are a technique used to replace missing or damaged bone tissue. Unlike most other tissues, bone tissue has the ability to regenerate completely if provided with the appropriate space to grow. During a bone grafting procedure, graft material is placed in the affected area, acting as a scaffold for new bone formation. As time passes, native bone starts to grow, eventually replacing the graft material and leading to the creation of a fully integrated region of new bone.

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Who Can Benefit from Bone Grafts?

There are several situations where bone grafts can be a viable solution:


Dental Implant Support:

After a tooth extraction, the alveolar bone diminishes by about 30-40%. This bone loss can hinder the success of dental restorations such as implants, dentures, or bridges. By undergoing bone grafting, individuals can restore or maintain the necessary bone volume, providing a solid foundation for these restorations.


Complex Fractures:

In cases where fractures are complex and pose a significant risk to the patient's health, bone grafting can be an effective solution. The graft material helps stabilize the fracture site and facilitates the healing process, allowing for better long-term outcomes.

Our Bone Graft Process


Initial Consultation

During an initial consultation, your dental professional will evaluate your oral health, discuss your specific case, and determine if bone grafting is the appropriate treatment option for you.


Graft Placement

The selected graft material is placed in the targeted area, creating a scaffold for new bone growth. In some cases, membranes or other specialized materials may be used to enhance the effectiveness of the graft.


Graft Material Selection

Depending on your needs and the dentist's recommendation, various types of graft material can be used, including autografts (your own bone), allografts (donor bone), or synthetic grafts. The selection of graft material will be based on factors such as availability, compatibility, and desired outcomes.


Healing and Integration

Over the course of several months, the graft material is reabsorbed and replaced by the natural bone as it heals. This allows for the complete integration of the new bone with the surrounding tissue, restoring stability and functionality to the affected area.

Benefits of Bone Grafts

Bone grafting offers several benefits to individuals considering the procedure:

Supports Dental Restorations

By restoring or maintaining the necessary bone volume, bone grafting enables the successful placement and stability of dental implants, dentures, and bridges. This helps individuals regain their ability to chew, speak, and smile confidently.

Improved Implant Success

Bone grafting plays a crucial role in enhancing the success of dental implants. When a patient lacks sufficient bone density or volume in the jaw, a bone graft can provide the necessary support and foundation for successful implant placement. By strengthening the bone structure in the area, bone grafting improves the chances of a secure and long-lasting dental implant.

Promotes Natural Regeneration

Bone tissue has a remarkable ability to fully regenerate when provided with the right environment. Over time, the native bone grows and replaces the graft material, resulting in a seamless integration of new bone. This natural regeneration helps restore the integrity of the jaw and facial structure.

Preservation of Facial Structure

Tooth loss can lead to bone resorption, where the jawbone deteriorates over time. This can cause a sunken or collapsed appearance in the facial structure, making individuals look older. Bone grafting helps prevent further bone loss and preserves the natural contours of the face. By maintaining a healthy jawbone, bone grafting contributes to a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing facial appearance.


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