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Cosmetic Dentistry Services

At Imaging Dentistry, we recognize that your smile is not just a reflection of your oral health but a canvas for self-expression. Our range of cosmetic dental treatments is designed to enhance your smile's natural beauty, seamlessly integrating form and function, while upholding the principles of preventive dentistry. With our advanced techniques and personalized approach, we're here to help you achieve the smile of your dreams while ensuring the longevity of your oral health.

o-bucal-bieneA woman with a radiant smile on her face after cosmetic dentistry

Combining Aesthetics
and Preventive Care:

While cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of your smile, we firmly believe in the synergy between aesthetics and preventive care. A beautiful smile is built upon a foundation of healthy teeth and gums. Before embarking on any cosmetic treatment, we thoroughly evaluate your oral health to address any underlying issues. Our commitment to preventive dentistry ensures that your cosmetic enhancements are supported by optimal oral hygiene, minimizing the risk of future dental problems. By merging artistry with preventive care, we not only transform your smile's appearance but also safeguard its long-term health.

Non-Prep Veneers (Lumineers, Vivaneers)

Non-prep veneers, often referred to as Lumineers or Vivaneers, represent a revolutionary advancement in cosmetic dentistry. These ultra-thin porcelain veneers offer a minimally invasive solution to transform your smile. What sets non-prep veneers apart is their ability to create a radiant smile without altering your natural tooth structure. Unlike traditional veneers that require enamel removal, non-prep veneers are contact lens-thin and are applied directly to your existing teeth. This preservation of your tooth's structure ensures that your smile enhancement is reversible – your natural teeth remain untouched beneath the veneers.


We understand the significance of a smile that exudes both beauty and authenticity. Our skilled dental team specializes in crafting non-prep veneers that are uniquely tailored to your facial features and desired outcome. The result is a flawless smile that enhances your confidence without compromising your oral health. With non-prep veneers, you can achieve a picture-perfect smile that feels and looks entirely natural.


Dental bonding is a versatile and conservative procedure that restores and rejuvenates your smile with the application of a tooth-colored resin material. This pliable resin is expertly sculpted onto your teeth, enhancing their appearance, shape, and alignment. The resin is then hardened with a special light, ensuring a durable and natural-looking result. Dental bonding addresses a range of cosmetic concerns, making it a popular choice for repairing decayed teeth, chips, cracks, discoloration, and even gaps.


We view bonding as both an artistic endeavor and a precision-driven technique. Our experienced dentists are skilled in shaping the resin to seamlessly blend with your natural teeth, resulting in a cohesive and beautiful smile. The procedure is comfortable, efficient, and yields immediate results. With dental bonding, you can transform minor imperfections into a confident and captivating smile that mirrors your inner radiance.


Conventional dental veneers are an artistic solution to transform various dental imperfections into a radiant smile. These custom-designed shells of tooth-like ceramic material are meticulously crafted to cover the front surface of your teeth, enhancing their color, shape, and alignment. Whether you're dealing with worn enamel, chipped teeth, uneven spacing, or minor cracks, veneers can provide a dramatic and long-lasting transformation.


We take pride in offering both composite resin and porcelain veneers to cater to your specific preferences and needs. Our experienced team collaborates with you to design veneers that complement your facial features, natural tooth color, and overall smile aesthetic. The veneer placement process involves careful preparation, bonding, and shaping to ensure a seamless and comfortable fit. With our expertise in veneer craftsmanship, we're dedicated to creating a smile that radiates confidence and self-assuredness.

Teeth Whitening ("Bleaching")

Teeth whitening, often referred to as bleaching, is a time-tested cosmetic treatment that restores the brilliance of your smile by eliminating stains and discoloration. Our teeth can become stained due to factors such as age, lifestyle habits, and certain foods or beverages. With our teeth whitening services, you can regain a youthful and vibrant smile that exudes confidence.


We offer both in-office and at-home teeth whitening options to suit your preferences and lifestyle. In-office procedures involve stronger whitening agents and may utilize a special light to expedite the whitening process. At-home treatments provide a gradual yet effective approach, allowing you to achieve a desired shade change over several days to weeks. Our dental team customizes the treatment plan based on your unique needs, ensuring your comfort and safety throughout the process. Whether you opt for in-office or at-home whitening, the result is a smile that's noticeably brighter, rejuvenated, and ready to shine.

Schedule Your Appointment for Cosmetic Dentistry at One of Our Three Locations

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