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Dental onlays are versatile restorations used to treat larger areas of decay or damage on a tooth. These durable restorations extend to cover one or more sides of the tooth, providing additional support and coverage. Made from porcelain, dental onlays offer a conservative alternative to dental crowns, as they require less tooth removal while providing renewed strength, protection, and a seamless appearance. 

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What are Dental Onlays?

Dental onlays are restorations that treat larger areas of decay or damage on a tooth. Unlike inlays, which are confined to the cusps, dental onlays extend to cover one or more sides of the tooth. This broader coverage provides additional support and coverage for teeth with significant damage. Typically crafted from porcelain, dental onlays offer long-lasting durability and a natural appearance.

A woman is admiring herself in the mirror after getting a veneers process

Why Do You Need Dental Onlays?

Dental onlays are a suitable option for individuals experiencing the following symptoms or dental issues:


Moderate to Extensive Tooth Decay: When tooth decay extends beyond the cusps of the tooth but does not require a full dental crown, dental onlays can effectively restore and protect the affected tooth.


Large Cavities or Fractures: Teeth with large cavities or fractures that are too extensive for a traditional filling but do not require a dental crown can benefit from the added strength and coverage provided by dental onlays.


Desire for Conservative Treatment: Dental onlays offer a more conservative treatment option compared to dental crowns. They preserve more of the natural tooth structure, requiring less removal of healthy tooth material during the preparation process.


Aesthetics: Porcelain dental onlays can be color-matched to the surrounding teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural appearance. This makes them an excellent choice for individuals concerned about the cosmetic aspect of their dental restorations.

Our Dental Onlay Process


Initial Consultation

During an initial examination, our skilled dentist will evaluate your oral health, assess the extent of decay or damage, and determine if a dental onlay is the appropriate treatment for your specific situation.


Temporary Restoration (if needed)

In some cases, a temporary onlay or filling may be placed to protect the prepared tooth while the permanent onlay is being fabricated in a dental laboratory.


Tooth Preparation

The damaged portion of the tooth is carefully removed, and the remaining tooth is shaped and prepared to accommodate the dental onlay. Precise impressions of the prepared tooth are then taken, providing the basis for creating a custom-fitted onlay.


Onlay Placement

Once the custom-fitted porcelain onlay is ready, it is securely bonded to the prepared tooth using dental adhesive. Our dentist ensures proper fit, comfort, and aesthetics, making any necessary adjustments before finalizing the restoration.

Benefits of Dental Onlays

Choosing dental onlays as a restorative option offers numerous advantages, including:

Conservative Approach

Dental onlays preserve a significant amount of healthy tooth structure compared to dental crowns, as they only cover the areas of decay or damage. This conservative approach helps maintain the overall integrity and strength of the tooth.

Natural Appearance

Dental onlays can be color-matched to blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, creating a natural and aesthetically pleasing smile. Their porcelain material mimics the translucency and shine of natural tooth enamel.

Long-Lasting Durability

Crafted from durable porcelain, dental onlays offer exceptional strength and resistance to wear. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental care, they can provide long-lasting results, often lasting a decade or more.

Enhanced Tooth Protection

By covering and reinforcing large areas of decay or damage, dental onlays provide added strength and protection for the affected tooth. This helps prevent further deterioration and reduces the risk of future dental issues.


Frequently Asked Questions

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