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Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

We understand the impact TMJ can have on your quality of life, causing chronic pain and discomfort. Our experienced dental professionals are committed to diagnosing and treating the root cause of your TMJ symptoms, aiming to provide long-term relief and enhance your overall oral health.

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What is TMJ?

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, commonly known as TMJ, refers to issues affecting the temporomandibular joint, which connects the jawbone to the skull. This joint is crucial for everyday activities such as chewing, speaking, and even yawning. When the temporomandibular joint becomes misaligned or experiences excessive strain, it can lead to a range of symptoms.

Benefits of Root Canals

TMJ Treatment offers numerous benefits, including:

Pain Relief: 

TMJ treatment aims to alleviate the chronic pain and discomfort associated with the disorder, improving your overall quality of life.

Enhanced Jaw Functionality

By addressing the underlying causes of TMJ, such as misalignment or muscle tension, treatment can help restore proper jaw functionality, allowing for easier chewing, speaking, and yawning.

Prevention of Further Complications

TMJ treatment can help prevent further dental issues that may arise from the disorder, including tooth wear, enamel damage, and gum problems caused by teeth grinding.

A woman is admiring herself in the mirror after getting a veneers process

Signs You May Need TMJ Treatment

1. Chronic Jaw Pain: Persistent or recurring jaw pain that affects daily activities is a common sign of TMJ. If you experience discomfort or tenderness in your jaw joints, it is important to seek professional evaluation.


2. Limited Jaw Movement: Difficulty opening or closing your mouth fully, accompanied by clicking or popping sounds, may indicate a problem with the temporomandibular joint.


3. Headaches or Facial Pain: Frequent headaches or facial pain, particularly around the jawline and temples, can be linked to TMJ dysfunction.


4. Teeth Grinding or Clenching: Bruxism, the habit of grinding or clenching teeth, can strain the temporomandibular joint and contribute to TMJ symptoms.

TMJ Treatment Process


Evaluation and Diagnosis

Our experienced dental professionals will conduct a thorough evaluation, which may include a physical examination, review of symptoms and medical history, and imaging tests. This will help identify the specific cause of your TMJ symptoms and guide the development of a tailored treatment plan.


Customized Treatment Plan

Based on your unique case, a personalized treatment plan will be created to address your specific TMJ symptoms and underlying causes. Treatment options may include wearing a custom nightguard to alleviate teeth grinding, physical therapy exercises to strengthen jaw muscles, stress management techniques, or in severe cases, orthodontic treatments or surgical interventions.


Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments

Throughout your TMJ treatment journey, our compassionate team will closely monitor your progress, making any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan to ensure optimal results. Regular check-ups and follow-ups will be scheduled to track your improvement and address any concerns or questions you may have.


Frequently Asked Questions

Schedule Your Appointment for Your TMJ Treatment 
at One of Our Two Locations

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